Healthy Computing Poster
Strike a Balance
- Classwork and homework should reflect a balance of learning techniques, including computer-based and non-computer assignments.
- Schools and families should work together to ensure that students are involved in a variety of activities.
Get Moving
- Include a mix of sedentary and active tasks in each student day and classroom period.
- Recess should be device-free.
Maintain Relationships
- Regular adult feedback is important for children.
- Schools and families should work together to promote in-person interactions for the development of social skills. Unstructured, device-free recess is one opportunity for social skill development.
- The relationship between the teacher, parent, and student is very important to learning; rewards and praise from software should not replace or reduce parent-teacher-student interactions.
Take Visual Breaks
- In general, students should take a break from close-work like reading and computer tasks regularly, approximately every 20 minutes.
- Children should have regular time outdoors to provide opportunities to focus on things that are at a distance.
Spend Time Unplugged
- Children under the age of five should have minimal exposure to screen-based experiences, including TV, computers, tablets and phones.
- Between kindergarten and high school graduation, screen-based learning time will gradually increase but, in general, should not consume more than half of the child’s day by high school graduation.
- Computers and other digital devices (e.g., telephones and tablets) should not be used in the hour before bedtime.
Make Comfortable Choices
- Students should be reminded to change positions frequently, ideally before becoming stiff or uncomfortable.
- Students should be reminded to use good posture.